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O Diplomata

Opinião e Análise de Assuntos Políticos e Relações Internacionais

O Diplomata

Opinião e Análise de Assuntos Políticos e Relações Internacionais

O projecto da rampa de acesso ao Pátio das Mesquitas

Alexandre Guerra, 13.02.07

Comunicação de Yuval Baruch, arqueólogo da Autoridade das Antiguidades israelita, aos embaixadores da Alemanha, Portugal e Estados Unidos em Israel, acerca das obras de recuperação da rampa de acesso ao Pátio das Mesquitas.


Mugrabi Gate is the only entrance to the Temple Mount for non-Moslems – Jews, tourists, and others, according to an agreement reached after the Six Day War. Only Moslems are permitted to use the other gates.During the winter of 2004, part of the ramp leading to the Mugrabi Gate collapsed. This ramp separates the Western Wall from the archeological garden.After the collapse, a temporary wooden bridge was constructed, part of it located in the women's area of the Western Wall Plaza. The fallen portion of the ramp was fenced in and entry to it prohibited, as it was pronounced a dangerous structure.

By law the debris must be removed or the collapsed part rebuilt. The Antiquities Authority is in contact with archeologists specializing in ancient structures, who decided that it would no longer be possible to use the ramp that had partially collapsed. It was consequently resolved to construct a new ramp and remove the one that had collapsed.

Architect Ada Carmi submitted several proposals for the new structure, one of which was accepted. This proposal calls for a bridge with a more moderate slope and longer length than the old one, to be built from the archeological garden almost to the gate, with part of it located on the original ascent. The reason for the moderate slope, which lengthens the bridge, is the authorities’ legal obligation to provide wheelchair access.At this stage, the Antiquities Authority entered the picture. The authority imposed two conditions on the bridge planners: 

a) Israeli law mandates carrying out rescue excavations everywhere there is a risk of damage to antiquities. Rescue excavations, customary in the majority of countries, are meant to document and preserve remnants before construction.

b) The remnants discovered will be integrated in the archeological park whatever is suitable for exhibition.

A week ago, excavations began in order to construct four columns that will support the bridge. The distance between the columns and the Western Wall and the Temple Mount is 80 meters. The Mugrabim Ramp will be fully excavated, but the excavators will not approach the wall of the Temple Mount.The Antiquities Authority has never excavated or permitted any excavations in the area of the Temple Mount, due to its historical value. The bridge itself will be located at a distance of ten meters to the west of the Temple Mount wall. The excavations will last for about eight months.                  (filme explicativo)


                                                                           Projecto de reconstrução da rampa de acesso ao Pátio das Mesquitas/Montagem original


 Projecto de reconstrução da rampa de acesso ao Pátio das Mesquitas/Esboço original